Monday 16 June 2014

I'm a lady

I need an exorcist!  I think my mouse is possessed by an evil entity.  On Friday it sent a work email to the wrong people.  Thanks God there wasn't anything contentious in there but it was almost as embarrassing as the time I pressed 'Reply All' by mistake and sent a torrent of abuse straight back to the target of my wrath.  I was about to put this down to my inability to multi-task when my online order from Sainsburys was delivered. As I emptied the orange bags I found two of nearly everything on my list.   Whilst I was dialling their Customer Service I discovered a stream of double-clicks in my trolley and my mouse had vanished.  I spotted it two hours later in the dog's bed. On Friday evening as I watched Big Brother I was making notes on here and the cursor was going crazy.  It was as jumpy as Ed Milliband's PR team after they told him that The Sun newspaper photo opportunity was a good idea. There goes the Scouse vote.  So the mouse batteries were removed and I went back to old school USB.  I'm sure I saw it move on it's own later but that might have been down to the bottle of Jacob's Creek.

What a week it's been on Big Brother.  Usually it takes a week or so for the masks to drop and the paranoia to set in.  This lot have dived straight in and it's been kicking off like an East Croydon illegal rave.

Lady Danielle was the first to lose her marbles.  The refined Scot spat her disdain at the immoral inmates at every opportunity.  Like Glasgow's answer to Moses she stormed around the house throwing her stone tablets at the unbelievers and predicted a day of reckoning for the Whore of Babylon (Helen) and her cohorts.

A lively conversation about Toya's fanny spray tipped Danielle over the edge and The Beast was awoken.  Danielle tuned into Linda Blair and let rip a volley of four letter abuse at her nemesis.  Helen rose to the challenge and they were at it like an audition for the Jeremy Kyle Show. I didn't learn that sort of language at my Sunday School.  While Jesus was carrying his cross up the hill I'm sure he didn't call the baying crowds 'F****ng Tw*ts'. Like the good Catholic girl she is - Danielle decided to ask God for his forgiveness for her behaviour and next day everything was fine.  Lady Danielle was absolved of her sins and she turned into a completely different person.  Overnight she became friendly and tolerant and faded into the background.  You'd almost think it was a game plan.  Oh and I'm not sure I understand why Toya uses feminine spray anyway.  I thought a vagina was like a self cleaning oven.

Pauline also had a major personality switch.  The public's favourite on launch night was granted The Power and boy did she accept the mantle.  Like Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest she's ruling the house with a metal coat hanger and woe betide anyone who crosses her.  A vicious, smiling assassin who has somehow managed to recruit a group of adoring disciples and split the house.  It was a tactic that appeared to be working until she turned on Jale and Christopher with such OTT venom over minor meal time transgressions.  Some housemates became more scared of her but the cracks are showing.  After they heard the crowd chants on Friday there's a lot of damage limitation at work now.  Only Sappy Steven and Horrible Helen still seem completely on-side.

It wasn't all Mean Girls this week.  Winston and Tamara struck up a cosy friendship.  She said on her VT that she likes men who are good looking and stupid.  KERCHING!!! Flash Gordon and Dale Arden flirted all week and went on a date that ended up with some inevitable tongue action.  Could this save Tamara from an early exit?  Mystic Mark didn't think so.  He saw her exit in the Tarot cards. For a moment we thought he might really have psychic powers.  Then he did a tea leaf reading and spotted an Afro hairstyle so predicted that Marlon was the new Power Housemate.  About as psychic and Derek Acorah.

Tamara was evicted and Flash......sorry.....Winston had a wee cry in the Diary Room.  Probably thinking he'd blown his chance of a big summer romance in the Big Brother House and will need to find some other way to raise his profile.  Schoolboy error to latch onto one girl in the first week.  Ask Lee Ryan.

True to form it was the females who created the most dramas from the start while the boys sat around in the sunshine topping up their tans watching the bitches claw each others eyes out.  You could almost hear David Attenborough's commentary.

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