Sunday 26 January 2014

This is a man's world 2...


Men are dicks and you women are completely to blame.

Straight, gay and regardless of colour, creed or religion, men are raised to think of themselves as superior beings who have no boundaries and will be forgiven for all crimes and misdemeanours because it's expected and accepted behaviour.  How did this happen and why is it still prevalent throughout what is supposed to be a modern and educated society?

The answer is easy. Women. It starts with Mothers and that influence follows their sons into adult life.  A mother's love is a wonderful thing but throughout a boy's formative years they encourage and promote a view of masculinity that seems so out of kilter in today's world where we talk of sexual equality.

We're taught to be the best at throwing or kicking a ball and admired for having the biggest muscles.  We need the biggest house, the fastest car and the most attractive mate.  We equate popularity with our sexual conquests and the amount of money we earn. All of this ego-feeding stuff bears no relation to how we are as human beings.  Don't get me wrong.  Ambition is a very good thing and everyone should strive to be the best that they can be but why is there still a huge chasm dividing what's acceptable behaviour for a man and woman?

So what's all this got to do with Celebrity Big Brother?  It's got everything to with the show.  People knock Big Brother as low-brow reality TV but it's also our society, values and morals served up within the confines of a load of spray-painted MDF.  It started as a social experiment and for me it's grown over the years into a cultural barometer.

Celebrity Big Brother 2014 has really highlighted that sexual equality is still a myth and men are still behaving badly and still getting away with it because women let them!


Why is a man admired for shagging 5 girls on a night out but if a woman did the same she would be vilified as a dirty slag?  The Dapster comes from a traditional Greek background.  They have what is referred to as a Matriarchal society.  You could be forgiven for thinking this sounds very feminist but you'd be so wrong.  This actually means that Mum stays at home doing the cooking and cleaning with the daughters while the sons and husbands are out drinking, shagging and doing a bit of work in between to earn some cash. Greek girls are taught to stay at home with their workhorse Mothers and to just be happy with their lot. So it's not Dappy's fault that he thinks this is okay.  His mother and sisters are to blame for to their complacency.


A 16 year old boy in a 30 year old man's body.  Someone who's clearly been spoiled and never had anyone say No to him.  Years of endless groupie sessions have eroded his ability to reason that his actions might have a consequence and that his conquests have feelings.  It's all about what makes him happy.    If anyone dares to question his behaviour he throws a tantrum and cries until he gets his own way.  Even better if he manages a cuddle and a kiss from the person he's been hurting.  Mommie Dearest turns up on telly to defend her boy and points a well manicured finger at the two hussies who she thinks are leading her little angel astray. How does a boy raised in a female environment turn out to have so little regard for women? What makes this worse is that there is a wider view that Casey and Jasmine are completely to blame for the whole love triangle situation.  They are being called bunny boiling bitches by some critics and those are mostly of the female gender.  So women are not only raising boys to act like dicks but they're fighting with their sisters rather than calling a dick a dick.


So here's a thing.  We have a nice young man who doesn't feel the need to be nasty or treat people badly.  That's a good thing.  Right?  Wrong!  The women in the house have a real problem with this and couldn't wait to stick the knife in at the first opportunity.  A man's not supposed to be nice and therefore has to be mocked and bitched about.  Why does honesty have to mean you have to be hurtful?  Why does having an opinion mean you need to make someone feel bad about themselves?  Being nice seems to be so unattractive to women that even Sam Faiers finds Olly as alien as ET.

Jim Davidson

OK so here's a man with a past and I'm not even going to get into that.  The evidence is out there.  Just Google him.  However, apart from a few slip ups over the last two weeks, he's managed to play the game very well.  With years of experience under his belt, the master has played his cards dead right and the women in the house have been pawns on his chess board.  Despite his past and despite his nasty comments to some of the females in the house, he's now the favourite to win the show.  His rise to the top fuelled by nagging women.  Poor old Jim.  Poor misogynistic, racist, homophobic Jim.  Men want to be him and women...well women created him and will be texting furiously to get him the crown on Wednesday.  All of them just aching to do his ironing while he's out playing snooker and having a few pints with the lads.

I love women and men (Oh Yes!) but some of them need a metaphorical slapping.

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