Tuesday 11 February 2014

American Horror Story

You can keep your Real Housewives OC/Atlanta/New Jersey/Beverly Hills.  The REAL American housewife is Georgia's Mama June from TLC's Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.  A robust redneck who actually has a red neck due to the constant rubbing of her many chins.  Hubba Hubba!

June is a 21st century Southern Belle-tent. She lives in a hog pen, next to a railway siding, with her litter of piglets.  She can't work due to a condition called 'fork lift foot'.  An accident at the local  Piggly Wiggly has left her with dead toes infested with silverfish.  Thankfully the rotting appendage is kept well hidden in an old trainer sock that hasn't ever seen the inside of a washing machine.  Shame she doesn't have any coupons for Dettol or Scholl foot powder in her vast collection.  Even Dr Christian from Embarrassing Bodies would struggle to hold down his lunch.

Her baby piglet is a frightful pageant princess who lives on a diet of cold hot dogs and spaghetti with ketchup and butter sauce.  Alana's pageant talent seems to involve farting and rubbing her flabby belly at the stony faced judges like a vertically challenged stripper.  Think Shirley Temple on crack cocaine.

There's two sisters called Pumpkin and Chubbs and they are the living embodiment of the expression 'you are what you eat'.  Mama June feeds her guzzling girls from a trough.  Well it's actually something she calls a Multi-Meal.  It consists of grabbing anything and everything from the fridge and throwing it in a huge tin foil roasting dish with butter, BBQ sauce and full fat mayo.  In this house the kitchen utensils are mainly used as back scratchers or to pick up chicken droppings from the living room carpet so she mixes it all together with her bare hands. 20 minutes in a medium oven and serve with baked beans, tinned sweetcorn and more butter.   Nigella she ain't.

The eldest girl is called Chickadee and somehow she's managed to maintain a petite figure despite this tsunami of lard and carbs.  As slim blondes must be as scarce as hen's teeth in Georgia she's popular with the local teenage tom cats and delivered her own kitten called Kaitlyn on Halloween before her 17th birthday.  It's the Circle of Life only more grubby than the Disney version.

Mama June got married recently to her long suffering Sugar Bear.  A small toothless miner with an obsession for garden ornaments.  It took Sugar Bear 10 years to woo his woman.  June was always playing hard to get.  I can't think why.  She wouldn't commit but he wore her down with a romantic date at Bigshow's Burgers.  She wanted Rhett Butler but got Bilbo Baggins in a baseball cap instead.

Last but not least we have Uncle Poodle.  Sugar Bear's gay brother.  A homosexual hillbilly who doesn't say much but minces around the house teaching the piglets Spice Girl dance routines and offering fashion tips like a white trash Gok Wan.

It may be an American Horror Story but I bloody love this show.  It's like The Waltons on moonshine and donuts but there's more genuine love, warmth and fun in a half hour of Honey Boo Boo than in 9 years of The Kardashians.  Mama June is the real deal and I love her pearls of wisdom and her view of the world.  There is a heart to this show that makes you root for this family despite their faults.  You laugh with them and feel touched by their simplicity.  It would be easy to watch them with an air of disdain and superiority but this is a family full of love and honesty and they just enjoy life and being with each other.  They may be poor, but in some respects they're richer than Kim, Khloe and Kourtney will ever be.

I love you Mama June x

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